May 10, 2023
Wellbeing SA funds critical event
Mental health advocate to tell his powerful story in Millicent
Kym Inglis is set to share his story this Friday – a powerful story at...
May 10, 2023
Statewide service returns
Book lovers can now resume borrowing from everywhere
Book lovers can rejoice with the return of a popular statewide borrowing service returning this month. Glenelg Libraries...
May 10, 2023
Helping take care of the great outdoors
Call for community members to join working group
Community members are invited to nominate for Naracoorte Lucindale Council’s Botanical Working Group for a two-year term. The...
May 10, 2023
New forestry chief One
FortyOne announces new CEO appointment
The Board of Directors and Shareholders of OneFortyOne are pleased to aAnnounce the appointment of Wendy Norris as chief executive...
May 10, 2023
Aged care support is just a phone call away
COTA SA’s regional tele-support service makes navigating and accessing aged care support a simple process for people and their families — one phone call...
May 10, 2023
Future planning in focus
Wattle Range Council’s Strategic Plan plays an important role in guiding the growth and future direction of the region - it is a plan...
May 10, 2023
Serving the community for 35 years
Rotary Club of Mount Gambier Lakes front & centre of Mount Gambier events
It was a milestone that looked like slipping by unacknowledged but Rotary...
May 10, 2023
Rebuild on the horizon for local research centre
Plans well underway to redevelop fire ravaged Struan Research Centre in the Limestone Coast
Work is underway to prepare for the rebuild of the Struan...
May 10, 2023
Celebrating the women of Penola & Coonawarra
Love sculpture?? The come to the official opening of the ‘Generosity of Spirit’ sculpture in Penola on May 21. Celebrate the newest sculpture for Penola...
May 10, 2023
Festival on the horizon
New events at 2023 Penola Coonawarra Arts Festival
With the Penola Coonawarra Arts Festival just over two weeks away, the Committee is urging people to...
May 10, 2023
Affordable housing SOS shinging a light on the struggles of regional South Australians amid the cost of living crisis
Not-for-profit agency is calling for an increase...
May 10, 2023
Hitting the road for cancer fundraiser
As an exciting addition to the regular Seniors (over 45s) Road Race Meeting at McNamara Park Raceway over the Mother’s Day weekend (May 13...