New metal fabrication business
More than 20 years experience in custom metal fabrication Maltech Industries’ owner Dale Malseed has more than 20 years experience in the welding and metal...
Rehab beds deliver on State election promise
Drug & alcohol rehabilitation services set to be boosted in the Limestone Coast later this year The South Australian Government is delivering on an election...
Member for Mount Gambier set to finally defend charges in court
Member for Mount Gambier Troy Bell is set to face court as he continues fighting charges, originally laid in 2017, relating to misappropriation of...
Timber industry trailblazers
Fennell Forestry leading the way in reducing carbon footprint “If Fennell Forestry doesn’t step forward and take the risk, then who will?” That was the...
It’s time to party in the street
Fringeland & Fringe Street Party return in 2023 Fringe Mount Gambier is back in all its glory this month with the return of FRINGELAND and...
Take up the challenge to help those in need puts the ‘FUN’ into community fundraiser Country South Australians have been urged to take on a personal active challenge and raise money for
Don’t forget to book your place in the first regional SA technology expo this month
Continuing the IICA’s commitment to bringing industrial technology to regional Australia, their first technology expo in South Australia for 2023 will be held in...
Taking up the fight for regional nurses
Campaign to level the playing field for local nursing students South Australian Health Minister Chris Picton has already knocked on Member for Mount Gambier Troy...
Celebrating Coonawarra vintage
Vintage Launch Ceremony returns to calendar ‘A smash and a squash’ - that’s how the Coonawarra Grape and Wine industry are set to herald in...
MGT digital edition, Issue 972
2023 season kicks off with a mudfest
SEAC Khanacross goes to Heywood for opening round The South Eastern Auto Club Khanacross Series for 2023 began with a “mudfest” at the Heywood “Wood,...
Kent gets the job done at Burrungule
More than 80 competitors take on the South East Field & Game 75 Target Shoot South East Field & Game`s recent Sporting Clays Event at...