Week five table tennis action
With only a couple of weeks left to play in Mount Gambier Table Tennis Club’s Spring Season, the fifth week served up some tense...
A gift carnival that really had it all
A photo finish needed to decide the women’s Mount Gambier Gift
The weekend’s Mount Gambier Gift Carnival ended up being the gift that kept on...Tigers & Central dominate
Friday night saw the Tigers BaseballCclub take on Federals Demons with Tigers a real chance to extend its lead in second spot in the...
Concordes get it done in both games
Concordes White avenged their first round loss with a resounding win in their game against Warriors, showcasing their batting prowess. In the first innings...
Fully loaded fundraiser
1. Billie Jones getting the job done in the pitching circle. 2. Sarah Polderman scores with a well timed slide home. 3. Clare Chaplin gets out...
Employment partnership
Axis Employment matching job seekers with employers
It’s a simple mission - inspire and empower people through employment. And it is the foundation of Axis Employment,...Local provider wins award
Equipt Mobility named the best in the business in equipment supply
Mount Gambier’s Equipt Mobility has recently been awarded the 2022 Enablement Award in the...IINTERNATIONAL DAY OF PEOPLE WITH DISABLITIES
WORKING TOGETHER: (Top left) NDIS client Sandra (right) working side by side with a support worker as part of Boandik’s work as an NDIS...
It’s a privilege
Boandik reflects on its role serving the community
On December 3, Australians will join celebrations occurring around the world marking International Day of People with...Putting the fun into running as popular event returns
1. Hamilton Running Group - Fiona Robertson, Sue Ferrier, Tash Ferrier, April Tomkins, Greta Prozesky & Micaela Murray 2. Multiple (& 2022) 10.4km winner Nikki...