Western Australian visitor takes out South East Golf Veterans event
Fifty-three golfers visited the Millicent Golf Course on a drizzly morning which brightened up after a lovely lunch, for the most recent event for...
Gartner & Jennings go so close to title
Triumphant return for Pines Enduro as Brown & Apted take out the Millicent event Former ARB Australian champions Danny Brown and George Apted #42 returned...
Mixed pairs grand final on hold for national championships
At the end of last month, the Millicent Bowls Club held their annual Mixed Pairs Competition. Thirteen teams registered to played. All games were...
Jen holds off pack for victory
Mount Gambier Cycling Club riders tackle Attamurra Road course After inclement weather postponed the Alex Bailey Memorial late last month, 15 riders signed up to...
Carnellor & Wright take out 2-4-2 competition
In lovely weather last week 44 players registered to play the game of 2-4-2. The tournament committee introduced for the second time this year...
Busy opening to Robe Bowling Club with two hard fought events
The Robe Bowling Club held two very successful tournaments to get its season off to a flier. The Ladies Fours Tournament, sponsored by Helen and...