More foreshore funding

November 23, 2022 BY

Multi-million dollar Portland Foreshore taking shape

A further jigsaw piece has been added to the Portland Foreshore puzzle, with additional funding secured for the popular recreational precinct. The Glenelg Shire Council has been successful in securing a $900,000 grant from the State Government’s Regional Infrastructure Fund for further Foreshore improvements, with the funding allocated for lighting and the creation of a Traditional Owner dance space.

The grant is the latest in the multi-million funding windfall for the Foreshore, which has seen the creation of new connecting pathways, a new Town Jetty, a Marina extension, over-water boardwalks and a soon to be constructed multi-purpose facility. Glenelg Shire Mayor Cr Scott Martin said the latest funding was another key element of the Portland Foreshore Master Plan.

“We’re thrilled to receive further

funding for our ‘jewel in the crown’ Portland Foreshore, adding to our unique recreational experience, and enhancing the tourism and lifestyle profile of our region,” he said.

“This funding will help implement two projects. The first is the installation of lighting along the 1.3km stretch of connecting pedestrian pathways and the second is the installation of a dance and ceremonial space for Traditional Owners.

“The installation of lighting will enable greater use of the Foreshore, and, coupled with the newly installed connecting paths, will allow for passive recreation at night and in the early morning. Sunrises along the Portland Foreshore are particularly spectacular, and residents will now be able to enjoy these views more often and more safely.

“The dance and ceremonial space will be a dedicated space for our Traditional Owners and provide opportunities to run community workshops, ceremonies and share education and truth telling. By celebrating history and culture, this space will help to foster greater understanding and reconciliation with our First Nations people.

“We thank the State Government for funding these important projects and for helping to realise our vision of the Portland Foreshore Master Plan.” For further information on the Regional Infrastructure Fund, please visit the Regional Development Victoria website.