A quick history lesson for rose lovers

November 16, 2022 BY

Glencoe Woolshed hosts international visitors as part of Limestone Coast garden tours

A large contingent of international rose lovers took a break from wandering the gardens of the region to take a step back in time with a visit to the Glencoe Woolshed earlier this month.

Hailing from Europe, Canada, Japan and the United States, a group of 70 International Rose Convention attendees headed to Glencoe – firstly to check out the roses at stunning Glencoe garden The Glen – but also to learn a little Australian history courtesy of the Glencoe Woolshed.

presentation outlining the history of the Leake family in the region, a demonstration of the time honoured skill of blade shearing and a traditional country lunch.

Along with the contingent’s visit to The Glen, the group also took in three other South East gardens – Camawald at Penola, The Barn and Mount Gambier’s Sheriffmuir.

GLENCOE WOOLSHED VISIT: (Above left) Blade shearing demonstration and (above right) Mireille, from Luxembourg & Beatrice, from Switzerland, enjoying the early summer sun on the Woolshed loading platform earlier this month.