A very happy birthday

November 2, 2022 BY

Meals on Wheels Mount Gambier celebrates 60 years

The history of this branch gives great insight into the fabric of the community in this district.” That was the sentiments of Meals on Wheels SA CEO Sharyn Broer as she headlined the 60th anniversary celebrations of the Mount Gambier branch of the meal delivery program.

It was on October 13, 1962 that the Mount Gambier ranch opened its doors, delivering 13 meals and with 60 volunteers on its books Since then, the numbers are extraordinary.

Since its inception, it has delivered 1,340,000 as of the end of last month. It took 50 years to hit the one million meal mark and since 2010, more than 300,000 meals have already left the O’Halloran Terrace kitchen.

Plans for a Mount Gambier branch of Meals on Wheels date back to 1958 – that’s when the conversations started and Meals on Wheels founder Doris Taylor was always behind the push, having spent some time as a child living in the city.

She pitched the idea to a Rotary meeting, then there was a public meeting, the council then offered up the land and with all those pillars in place, the fundraising began with the a target of 3500 pounds – the amount needed to build the kitchen.

Construction started in 1961 and that original kitchen got the job done from the 1962 opening date until 1995 when the current kitchen, needed to bult growing demand, became the workspace for volunteers.

From 1963, the Mount Gambier branch also serviced Port MacDonnell – an arrangement that remained in place until 1980 when the seaside town set up its own branch, that served meals util 2018, when Mount Gambier again took up the mantle.

The Port MacDonnell branch dished up 92,000 meals in its time. The CEO paid tribute to the community members that were the driving force behind establishing the Mount Gambier branch and ensuring it thrived and has continued to run successfully for 60 years, including Sid Chapman, Gerry Sheehan, Les Cunningham, Karen Norman and Brian James.

“We (Meals on Wheels) help South Australians enjoy life by providing food with love to help them eat well and stay connected with their community,” Ms Broer said.

And that is why the push is on for more volunteers with the new marketing mantra – Great Food, Great People.

“We are trying to encourage people to come and join Meals on Wheels not only for what they can do for us but how Meals on Wheels can brighten up their life,” Ms Broer said.

A large cohort of Mount Gambier volunteers were , in fact honoured at the celebrations for their long standing commitment to being part of the Meals on Wheels experience.

Handing out service awards for both 2021 and ’22, a swag of volunteers were honoured for five and 10 years service, as well as 15 years service, which equates to life membership with a small group of volunteers reaching their 20 year milestones and two topping the 35 year mark.

And it was long standing volunteers Gwen Lamb and Norma Reddie who cut the anniversary cake which I this case was 140 stunning cupcakes prepared by another long standing member of the Mount Gambier branch Gail Williams, who along with husband Barry, basically put together the weekend celebration.

It was also the couple’s 56th wedding anniversary.

Member for Barker Tony Pasin was unable to attend but sent a letter of congratulations to the ranch.

“I thoroughly enjoy lending a hand and making a small contribution,” Mr Pasin wrote as part of his letter.

And it was the contribution the Mount Gambier branch has made over six decades that the current CEO was so keen to highlight. “I wish you all as volunteers of Meals on Wheels Mount Gambier heartiest congratulations on your 60th anniversary,” she said. “I would say you never missed a day, never missed a meal delivery in all of those 60 years. It is a fantastic testament to the community of Mount Gambier.”

The Mount Gambier branch was the 12th established in South Australia and the first outside of metropolitan Adelaide.

“We look forward to the continued success of your branch and I hope you’re here in another 60 years.”

CELEBRATING 60 YEARS: (Right from top) Norma Reddie & Gwen Lamb cut the anniversary cupcakes; Melas on Wheels SA CEO Sharyn Broer & Meals on Wheels Mount Gambier regional branch support officer Jo Burford; long serving volunteers Gail Williams, Norma Reddie, Gwen Lamb & Ella Childs and volunteer coordinator Pam Smith.

ANNIVERSARY PARTY: (Above from top) The 140 cup cakes created by Gail Williams and volunteers with more than 10 years service Roma Driscoll, Mary Tuite & Marion Sealey.