All about sustainability

Residents can participate in a range of free activities during National Recycling Week, including a composting workshop at the Mount Gambier Library. Composting workshop attendees go into the draw to win a free compost tumbler.
City of Mount Gambier will host a program of free activities as part of National Recycling Week this week.
The theme for National Recycling Week 2023 ‘What goes around, comes around’ is about providing simple and actionable tips that enable Australians to keep those valuable materials in circulation, whether at home, work or school.
City of Mount Gambier environmental sustainability officer Aaron Izzard said this year’s campaign encourages people to think twice before sending something to landfill.
“A lot of what we currently send to landfill is actually valuable material that could be reused, repurposed or recycled,” Mr Izzard said.
“Last year we saw an increase in recycling and FOGO collected through kerbside bins, which saved more than 6500 tonnes from landfill. We hope to see an even greater increase this year.”
The community is invited to participate in a range of activities throughout National Recycling Week, kicking off with a free guided tour of the council’s waste sites, including the Waste Transfer Station, Mount Gambier ReUse Market and Caroline Landfill.
“The tour is an opportunity for residents to receive an exclusive insight into the city’s reuse, recycling and safe disposal options,” Mr Izzard said.
“Waste Tour attendees go into the draw to win a free Green Cone Solar Composter valued at $299.”
The Mount Gambier Library will host a free composting workshop on Wednesday and facilitate a toy swap on Saturday.
City of Mount Gambier team leader library programs Kristi Brooks said they know how quickly children can outgrow their toys and the toy swap was an opportunity for people to exchange a toy their child no longer uses for a pre-loved item.
“A token will be received for each clean toy dropped off, which will then be redeemable for a ‘new’ toy on Saturday,” Ms Brooks said. “Items can be dropped off on the Thursday and Friday before the event.”
The Riddoch Arts and Cultural Centre will host the Second-hand Art and Art Supplies Market from 10am on Saturday at City Hall and Riddoch Arts and Cultural Centre Coordinator Talie Teakle said they were encouraging anyone who might have cupboards full of old art and art supplies that are no longer used to consider booking a stall, or those who are looking to stock up on items to come along and have a look.
Throughout the week, the City of Mount Gambier will be launching a range of new videos on council’s website and social media channels, and educational signage will be on display throughout the city.
For the full program of activities and booking requirements, please refer to council’s website.