Best in SA for ninth time

April 26, 2024 BY

School sports leaders Trixie Crouch & Jayden Prior with the Howard Mutton Trophy

Tenison Woods College has once again won the Howard Mutton Trophy for country schools in 2023, taking out the title for the ninth time.

Howard Mutton advocated for increasing the participation of young people in physical education and sport in schools for omore than 20 years.

In his work as president of the SA Secondary Schools Sport Association, head of the Physical Education branch and superintendent of Health and Physical Education, he was a mentor to many aspiring young sports people and influenced the training of physical education teachers. Healso influenced the teachers’ colleges to ensure that PE was part of teacher training.

He believed in the social value and connections through involvement in sport and believed there was a place and level of participation for anyone who wanted to give it a go.

This award is exactly in recognition of the values of school sport. It is not about how many competitions a school can win but it is about how many students can be involved in representing their school in sport.

Tenison Woods College principal David Mezinec said it was about connecting, playing with your mates and having fun.

“We are thrilled to have won the Howard Mutton Trophy and be recognised for our school spirit and high level of student participation in physical education,” he said. “We certainly pride ourselves on what we are able to offer our young learners here at Tenison Woods College and I congratulate all staff and students for their outstanding efforts in being recognised for this award for a ninth time.”