Better soil health is in your hands

October 19, 2022 BY

Have you heard? The Limestone Coast Landscape Board has a new Soil Extension Officer dedicated to improving soil health for primary production.

Ehsan Sayad has been appointed to the role in the Limestone Coast and is relishing the opportunity to work closely with land managers and primary industry groups to achieve improved soil health and productivity gains in the region.

The role assists land managers with interpretation of soil test results and discussing the latest science to assist making decisions on best practice sustainable land management.

The role is part of a new network of Soil Extension Officers across the state – with support and opportunities for collaboration provided by both state and national communities of practice. This has been made possible by funding from the Australian Government as part of the National Soil Strategy through the National Landcare Program.

imestone Coast Landscape Board chair Penny Schulz said funding for such roles was a real boost for South Australia.

“The LC Landscape Board has been pleased to play a lead role in attracting Commonwealth funding for soil health to South Australia,” she said. “Soil health is such a vital component to productivity gains for this state as well as revitalising soils, and the Limestone Coast primary producers have a real opportunity to take advantage of the program and learn as much as they can.”

Land managers will be able to access a number of soil extension services. The first of these on offer is a soil sampling and testing activity. S outhern Cross University will be conducting soil sampling and testing to successful applications.

Land managers can make initial enquiries of Ehsan at the Limestone Coast Landscape Board on (08)8429 7550, or enquire and apply directly to Southern Cross University via their website pilot-soils-program, email: [email protected] or phone (02)6620 3489. Land managers will be required to share their data under the National Pilot Soil Monitoring and Incentives Program.