Bold boat yard vision

April 19, 2023 BY

Exciting plans in the works for Port MacDonnell

Port MacDonnell’s Old Boat Yard site is in the preliminary stages of an exciting new mixed-use development concept, with Port MacDonnell businessman Amir Hanna in formal talks with District Council of Grant around the site’s future development potential.

The old boat yard site, situated at 55 Sea Parade, Port MacDonnell, opposite council’s newly developed Waterfront precinct, has long been earmarked as a prime location for development opportunities to further enhance the town’s tourism and growth prospects.

District Council of Grant Mayor Kylie Boston said council had reviewed the initial concept plans put forward by Mr Hanna which aligned with the Port MacDonnell Urban Design Framework created in consultation with the local community.

“Council is excited to consider plans for future activity in Port MacDonnell and see the site utilised as a welcoming centre for local residents and visitors,” Mayor Boston said. “Being at the very heart of town, council wants to ensure any projects are accessible, functional and visually appealing, to fit with the aesthetic of the Waterfront and nearby Customs House.

“So, although council has given in-principle support to the proposal, this is just the first step in what would be a multi-stage project if the design is successful.”

The initial design proposed includes a mixed-use development featuring:
• Retail and hospitality offerings;
• Pharmacy and medical suite;
• Tourist accommodation; and
• The potential for residential apartments.

Although the project is still in the preliminary stages, District Council of Grant chief executive officer Darryl Whicker said he was excited to see future plans for the beachfront site, after years of vacancy.

“Mr Hanna has already demonstrated his communitymindedness as the town’s pharmacist, so he understands the needs of an isolated and regional community and has put forward a project which will benefit both locals and visitors, and has assured us that the design will be beautiful,” Mr Whicker said.

“Council anticipates that, with the right design, development of the site will be a catalyst for new retail and business offerings whilst becoming one of townships prime shared spaces to be enjoyed by all Port MacDonnell residents and visitors.”

This month, council has formalised a Heads of Agreement, demonstrating intent to work towards a shared vision, and allowing Mr Hanna to engage a suitable professional to prepare design plans.

BOAT YARD VISION: Businessman Amir Hanna, District Council of Grant CEO Darryl Whicker, District Council of Grant growth and tourism manager Rebecca Perkin & District Council of Grant Mayor Kylie Boston.