Bringing play time back to the Yahl Hall

October 26, 2022 BY

Family fun on the agenda as community asset springs to life

Sometimes it just takes one person to be passionate enough about something to get a project off the ground and that is what has happened with the launch of Playtime at the Yahl Soldier’s Memorial Hall.

Jess Byrne is that person, embracing her family’s move to Yahl from Mount Gambier, starting with attending the Yahl Hall AGM.

“We chose Yahl for the small township qualities we both grew up with, while having the added benefit of being close to the Mount Gambier,” Jess said. “For small townships to be productive and be able to offer value adds for its residents it needs locals behind it to power continuous improvement and facility maintenance, knowing this highlighted the importance for me to make my contribution.”

And that is why she headed to the AGM after seeing a social media post. It was the second time the meeting had been called as organisers desperately searched for a quorum.

Jess not only helped with the numbers game she also rolled up her sleeves and suggested running a Playtime program out of the community facility.

“We want to offer the opportunity of community engagement for not only the children but the parents and caregivers,” she said. “Amongst those taking advantage of the Playtime at Yahl, we will produce creative play, craft, and sensory opportunities for the kids. At the hall we are spoilt for choice with the large indoor space and adjoining playground with outdoor sheltered seating space and plan to with the weather for indoor and outdoor activities.”

It is a long time since the hall hosted a program for young children but fortunately the group will be able to launch this Thursday courtesy of previous playgroup tables, chairs, and some play equipment.

“Once we have established a good base, I hope to seek support from the community for donations for specific craft supplies and to expand on the indoor play equipment,” Jess said. “If you are looking for engagement within the community and have child/ children under the school age, we would love to see you at the launch of Yahl Playtime on Thursday from 9am to 10am.”

Yahl Playtime will then run at the same time every Thursday for the remainder of the school term, all the details of Yahl Play time can be found at ‘Yahl Soldiers Memorial Hall’ on facebook.