Cash injection for community projects

February 15, 2023 BY

Family day out set to raise funds for Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library

At the end of last year the Stand Like Stone Foundation awarded almost $70,000 in grants for 12 community projects that will help support the region.

Projects are varied and includes the Mount Gambier Fringe OutReach program, upgrading of facilities for a number of community groups, through to a mobile cool room to support disaster relief activities in the Limestone Coast.

Stand Like Stone Foundation CEO Roger Babolka said the impact of donations to the foundation continued to be realised every year with all donations invested earning income, which is then given back to the community annually through our community grants and educational scholarship programs.

“The beauty of a donation to Stand Like Stone is that 100 per cent stays local and supports this region forever, and we’re delighted to once again be able to support so many important projects and community activities for this region,” Mr Babolka said.

Fringe Mount Gambier spokesperson and artistic program manager Louise Adams said the committee were incredibly thankful to receive the Stand like Stone funding to deliver the 2023 Fringe Outreach program.

“Fringe Outreach is an important accessibility program taking Fringe performers and art experiences out to community groups, including aged care, those living with disability, or experiencing mental health and regional foster families to name a few,” Ms Adams said.

“As a community-led and focused arts festival, it is fantastic to team up with an organisation like Stand Like Stone.”

The foundation CEO thanked everyone who applied for a grant and congratulated the successful projects.

“At the end of the day, it’s thanks to our sponsors, donors, supporters, and grant applicants that we can realise our vision of inspiring community kindness and courage,” Mr Babolka said.