Celebrating contributions to the community

November 16, 2022 BY

District Council of Grant shines a light on positive ageing during Seniors Month


More than 100 senior citizens across the District Council of Grant have come together to celebrate their contributions and successes within the community.

In honour of Seniors Month, council coordinated four Positive Ageing Luncheons in the final week of last month for residents aged 55 and above to enjoy learning together, food and each other’s company.

Community members gathered at local restaurants in the following townships:

  • Port MacDonnell on Monday, October 24, at the Victoria Hotel (pictured top right);
  • Tarpeena on Tuesday, October 25, at the Pines Hotel (pictured below bottom);
  • Carpenter Rocks on Thursday,
  • Mount Schank on Friday, 28 October at The Bellum Hotel (pictured below top)

Despite poor weather conditions, council’s chief Eeecutive officer, Darryl Whicker, was pleased with the communities participation.

“These annual events are an excellent opportunity for our older population to connect with each other while also supporting local business eateries,” he said.

“It is also the perfect opportunity for council to acknowledge the considerable contributions our seniors make to our community.

“The additional insight our senior residents gave about each community is valued as this information will help council plan for our future.”

Bron Perryman shared her experience with being involved with the Kids & Cockies Helping Cockies Project where Bird Life Australia and Zoos SA representatives help rejuvenate the endangered Red-tailed Black- Cockatoo population, and Sharon Bruhn shared her love of collecting sea glass from the Southern Ocean.

Sharon was the presenter at Carpenter Rocks and was delighted to share her sea glass collection activity with the community.

“This is the third time I have been invited to talk, the previous two times I spoke about living on Christmas Island and the Red Crab migration – this year it was really nice to talk about something local,” Ms Bruhn saireally nice to talk about something local,” Ms Bruhn said,

“I thought that if people were interested then they could get out locally and search for sea glass.

“I also thought that it [local restaurant at Carpenter Rocks] was a great little place to present in, it was a nice intimate spot.”

Staff are already beginning to

plan next year’s Seniors Month celebrations. Watch out for event announcements via the District Council of Grant Facebook page and monthly community newsletter available on Council’s website at www.dcgrant.sa.gov.au/council/ newsletters.