Coffee Cup Campaign

September 27, 2024 BY

Lakes Rotary is passionate about how it can support and encourage people in our local community to reach out and say no to domestic and family violence. After looking at different ways it can make a difference and what other Rotary clubs have been doing it has come up with a simple approach to create awareness while also providing a direction to reach out.

People at risk, or those not knowing how they can support the vulnerable, often could be seeking a quiet time to consider what they can do and this may often involve sitting down with a cup of coffee. The club thought this is an ideal opportunity to provide immediate direction to these people and what better way than have support information on coffee cups.

In consultation with a selection of coffee providers on how Lakes Rotary’s idea could work the club has created and had printed 10000 stickers with contact information for key domestic violence support providers. Instead of just random use which may have little impact the club decided to make a difference it needed to flood the community with the same message. For maximum impact the club has selected October as it’s awareness month. Stickered coffee cups and coffee bags are available from the following club support businesses San Piero, Mount Gambier Hospital Café, TAFE Canteen, Endless Cup, Brew Café, KD’s Café, Confession, Expresso Eatery, Bricks & Mortar, Joanne’s Espresso Express & Aero Espresso. Businesses have been asked to place stickers on their medium sized cups and use throughout the month of October, or until stocks run out.

The project is about creating a positive impact and if only one person reaches out because of seeing the stickers the project will be considered a success. Funding for the project has come from club fundraising activities, including the Blue Lake Fun Run. It is an extensive community project and not possible without the support of businesses and wider community support.

Lakes Rotary still have a few stickers left so if you are also keen to support send an email to