Council to target parklands

January 19, 2025 BY

Naracoorte Lucindale Council will be performing a Rabbit Control Program commencing Monday, January 20, within the Naracoorte North Parklands to reduce their impact within the parkland and surrounding area.

The closely monitored rabbit control program is being carried out using Pindone bait.

The bait was selected based on expert advice and will be placed in areas where rabbits are known to be feeding.

It is extremely difficult for a dog to eat enough poisoned rabbits to take a toxic dose of Pindone. Signage will be erected in the North Parklands while the program is underway.

Users of the North Parklands are reminded that dogs must be on leads in the parklands.

For any enquiries, phone Council on (08)8760 1100 or email [email protected]