Deep dive into history

May 28, 2024 BY

Hydrogeologist and pioneering cave diver Ian Lewis will present a talk Ian Lewis – Cave Man at the Mount Gambier Library on Tuesday, May 28, at 6.30pm.

As part of History Month, ‘Ian Lewis – Cave Man’ takes a look at the fascinating history of discovery and interaction with the unique cave systems that twist and turn right under our city.

The event will be held in the cave-themed children’s library, a wondrous theatrical space which draws its inspiration from Ewens and Piccaninnie Ponds.

“The children’s cave creates a marvellous backdrop with some tremendous examples of the natural environment including the aquatic flora and fauna of the region, including fish, frogs and rock formations,” Mr Lewis said. “And there is even a diver on the roof. This will be a truly unique event that will also be a lot of fun.”

Featuring still and video footage combined with Ian’s own research and experiences, Ian will take the audience on a journey spanning many thousands of years and many hundreds of metres underground.

Ian began exploring the underwater caves of the region during the late 1960s at a time where the was no regulation or proper safety measures in place. Ian turned his boyhood passion of caves into a career and has spent the past 60 years studying the unique formations of South Australia’s underground water systems.

The event is free event however bookings are required. Contact Mount Gambier Library on (08)8721 2540 or book online at under ‘Programs and Events’.