Early Christmas gift from Lions Club

Donation helps fund an important community event: Community Christmas Lunch organiser Vicki Clark with Lions Club of Mount Gambier President Martin Vercoe.
The Lions Club of Mount Gambier has donated $1000 to help run this year’s Mount Gambier Community Christmas Lunch.
“We are pleased to be able to support such a worthwhile initiative,” said Lions Club President Martin Vercoe.
“Our club serves the community in various ways, including helping other organisations that do good work.
“This event is more important than ever, given cost of living pressures,” he said.
The volunteers behind the Christmas lunch need to raise more than $3500 each year to cover costs.
Participants receive a three-course meal, entertainment and gift bags.
“This will be our sixth year providing a meal and festivities for the isolated, disadvantaged and financially distressed members of our community,” organiser Vicki Clark said.
“This is an inclusive event and we turn no-one away.
“Last year 180 people attended, and due to the current economic conditions, we are expecting more families to attend this year.
“The event is supported by the City Council who give us the Civic Centre free of charge which is greatly appreciated.
“However, we rely on donations from our community to ensure this event can go on,” she said.
The Lions Club of Mount Gambier’s donation was funded with money raised from service projects including Bunnings barbecues, catering and selling firewood and Lions mints.
The club has launched its annual Christmas raffle and is also again selling Lions Christmas cakes and puddings.