Expanded kerbside services

September 7, 2024 BY

The District Council of Grant is making waste management more accessible for residents by expanding its kerbside rubbish and recycling collection service.

Commencing in September 2024, 85 properties will receive two 240L bins for rotational fortnightly usage in Mobile Garbage Bin collection service after being approved in service expansion areas detailed in the 2024-2025 Annual Business Plan and Budget.

District Council of Grant Chief Executive Officer Darryl Whicker stated waste management is one of Councils essential services which is why additional opportunities are being provided to residents to obtain the service.

“Following changes to private bin collection arrangements, Council witnessed an increase in requests for inclusion in Mobile Garbage Bin collection service. To efficiently and effectively meet community demand in particular areas, expansions are now being delivered,” Mr Whicker said.

“Upon benchmarking, Council’s kerbside collection service is generally more affordable than private contractors and we look to continue delivering our service to more residents across our district,”

Property owners within the district who are not currently included in the Mobile Garbage Bin collection service but are interested in obtaining it, are invited to express their interest to be considered for future expansions.

How to express your interest in obtaining Council’s Mobile Garbage Bin collection service:

1. Visit Your Say DCG at yoursaydcg.com.au/ or via the QR code

2. Sign into your Your Say DCG account or create a new account

3. Select the ‘Mobile Garbage Bin Collection Expansions’ tile

4. Scroll down and go to map

5. Find your property using the zoom functions

6. Select the ‘+’ icon in the menu bar

7. Drag and drop a pin onto your property

8. Confirm your property address and who is submitting the expression of interest 9. Click ‘submit’

Data collected through this expression of interest process will assist Council in preparing proposals for expansion areas for the new financial year. This information will be reported in the next Draft Annual Business Plan and Budget, and will be subject to subsequent community consultation in April / May 2025.

Following the consideration of feedback, the final Annual Business Plan and Budget, including Mobile Garbage Bin collection service expansion areas, will be considered by Council for endorsement. Once approved, residents in expansion areas will be delivered bins and charged an annual service fee.

“New reporting through the Annual Business Plan and Budget is intended to streamline the approval process for expansion areas and better enable Council to grow the capacity of the service,”

“I encourage property owners interested in obtaining our kerbside Mobile Garbage Bin collection service to reach out to Council to ensure accurate data is collected on areas of demand for the service.”

Council staff are also available to assist at the Principal Office at 324 Commercial Street West, Mount Gambier or by phone on (08) 8721 0444.