Federal funding denied again

February 7, 2025 BY

The District Council of Grant will reassess the future of the Saleyards Transformation Project following another unsuccessful Federal Government funding bid.

In October last year, council reapplied for $7.4 million through round two of the Growing Regions Program for the Mount Gambier Districts Livestock Exchange 2030 Transformation Project after an unsuccessful round one application.

District Council of Grant acting chief executive officer Gary Button said notification was received at the end of last month that the major project had not secured funding.

“Council is disappointed with this announcement however recognise that the saleyards is vital to our community by providing a premium selling centre for farmers, buyers and the broader agricultural industry, and building a sense of connection and belonging,” Mr Button said. “The Mount Gambier & District Saleyards Strategy Committee, Council staff and stakeholders have put a significant amount of work into the Transformation Project over the past four years. We will now regroup and look forward to how we may work together to deliver our mutual commitment supporting our primary producers.”

The Saleyards Transformation project envisages upgrading the facility upgrades to modern infrastructure with cattle yard roofing, holding pen reconfigurations, soft flooring, sprinkler systems and rainwater harvesting. This work has been identified as a priority in the Mount Gambier & District Saleyards Masterplan 2018-2028.

Council confirmed its financial contribution of $4.6 million allowing for the project to be completed in its entirety when paired with the State Labor Government’s recently recommitted $2.7 million and matching Federal Government funding.

Mount Gambier & District Saleyards Strategy Committee presiding member, Kongorong farmer and councillor Barry Kuhl said the project was an essential piece to the region’s agricultural landscape.

“Council is disappointed to not have received critical funding considering the project has bipartisan support in the State Government and is identified by Regional Development Australia as one of the highest priority regional infrastructure projects for South Australia,” Cr Kuhl said. “The Saleyards have a long history of supporting agriculture in our region and throughout Australia, however upgraded assets are required to ensure the facility remains sustainable for future generations.”

District Council of Grant elected members will meet in the coming weeks to explore the projects next steps acknowledging the Coalition’s Federal Election commitment to support the Saleyards Transformation Project with funding.

IMAGE: Mayor Kylie Boston, Mount Gambier & District Saleyards Strategy Committee Presiding Member and Councillor Barry Kuhl, and Chief Executive Officer Darryl Whicker will begin to reassess the future of the Mount Gambier Districts Livestock Exchange 2030 Transformation Project.