For the love of reading

December 18, 2024 BY

Mount Gambier Library’s Summer Reading Club returned this week and the 2024 theme is ‘Out of this World’ with children and youth offered the opportunity to participate in various challenges throughout the six-week program.

Mount Gambier Library team leader children and youth services Erin Jones said with more than 300 registrations last year, the were excited to host the popular Summer Reading Club once again.

“Participating in this program encourages children to engage with reading during the school holiday break, while also having fun by taking part in a variety of challenges and activities,” she said.

“Challenges range from being reading based, to exploring some of the many other Library resources, visiting the Riddoch Arts and Cultural Centre, or quizzing Library staff for book recommendations.”

This year the club is open to four age levels – 0-5 years, 6-9 years, 10-13 years, and 14+ years.

Registrations will be completed at the library and upon registering all age groups will receive a weekly challenge card.

Once the weekly challenge card is complete, members visit the library to go into the weekly prize draw sponsored by the Friends of the Library Mount Gambier.

Prizes will be on display at the library and weekly winners have the opportunity to select their own prize.

“We have lots of exciting prizes on offer, and we are so fortunate to have the Friends of the Library continue to sponsor this exciting and engaging program,” Mrs Jones said.

In addition to the weekly challenges, a magical wand representing the ‘Out of this World’ theme will be hidden around the library in a new location each day.

“Come into the library, find the hidden magical wand and tell a staff member to receive a treat,” Mrs Jones said.

To celebrate the Summer Reading Club, a finale event ‘Party in the Park’ will be held at the Valley Lake/Ketla Malpi on January 21 next year, with a variety of activities and a major prize draw for each age group towards the end of the school holidays.

“As they say, you’ve got to be in it to win it – make reading part of your child’s summer adventure and pop into the library to register anytime over the summer period during opening hours. The earlier you join – the more opportunities to win,” Mrs Jones said.