Grant road funding boost

Black Spot funding secured for Compton intersection upgrade
When it comes to snaring almost $150,000 in Black Spot road funding it has been a case of beginner’s luck for the District Council of Grant.
Grant Mayor Kylie Boston welcomed the news that the modifying of a notorious Compton intersection would be able to get underway. “Often with these type of projects you apply a few times before you secure the funding but this is the first time we have put this project up and we were successful,” she said.
The $149,000 windfall will see the modifying of the existing four way McKay-Mount Percy Road intersection into a staggered intersection with the project now set to be placed into the work schedule that already includes regular maintenance work across the council area.
“We adopted a maintenance program in the recent budget to keep on top of that work and the Compton works will be placed in that schedule,” Mayor Boston said. The Federal Government committed $5.9 million in 2023-24 under the Black Spot Program to fully fund upgrades at 17 dangerous crash sites. The program funds safety measures such as traffic signals and roundabouts at locations where a number of serious crashes are known to have occurred, or are at risk of occurring.
Black Spot Consultative Panels provide the opportunity for stakeholders to have a say in the project selection process, and ensure that nominations of the highest priority and importance to the local community are recommended for approval.
The SA consultative panel includes representatives from the South Australian Road Transport Association, South Australian Freight Council Inc, Traffic Management Association of Australia, Bicycle SA, SA Police, Royal Automobile Association of SA, Local Government Association of SA and the SA Department for Infrastructure and Transport.
And there is another road in the region – a SA Department for Infrastructure and Transport road – also set for a major upgrade.
Tillers Road East and Glenelg River Road at Wye received $145,000 to install duplicated advanced warning and upgrade directional signage and rumble strips with improved delineation.
For more information on the Australian Government’s Black Spot Program, or to nominate a black spot, visit https://investment. index.aspx