Hamilton Market Report SHEEP & LAMBS

November 2, 2022 BY


Agents yarded 4534 a decrease of 821 head at Hamilton where the quality was plainer with less weight compared to previous markets.

The offering comprised of 843 lambs and 3691 sheep.The regular field of buyers attended together with restricted store competition and most processers operating fully. The market was again erratic in places for lambs.

Overall, the market was firm on the previous sale with the exception of some 1 and 2 score lambs which were softer. A very good run of sheep was offered consisting of mainly X-bred ewes with more weight including merinos, prices remained firm. A small offering of new seasons lambs made to a top of $190/head. Light Lambs 12kg to 16 kg sold from $52 to $90/head. Light trade lambs 18kg to 22kg made from $125 to $160/head to average between 730c and 780c/kg cwt. Medium trade lambs 22kg to 26 kgs made from $130 to $182/head to average around 730c to 780c/kg cwt. Heavy lambs sold to $198/head with Hoggets making to $198/head. The offering of sheep included a majority of weights and grades. Heavy X-bred Ewes sold up to $180 with Merino ewes topping at $154/head. The general run of Merino mutton sold to average between 490c and 580c/kg cwt. Merino Rams sold to $172 with terminal sires to $78/head.