Have your say on blueprint for the future

April 26, 2023 BY

Draft strategic plan looking for community comment

The new Naracoorte Lucindale Council Strategic Plan has been drafted from the first phase of community consultation which involved focus group and community meetings, elected member workshops and submissions on what the community identifies as new priorities for the future.

The new Strategic Plan will set the vision, outcomes, and key actions for the future and help inform Council’s LongTerm Financial Plan and Asset Management Plans.

The first phase of consultation has identified six key strategic directions for 2023-2033 and 31 Priority Actions for 2023-28.

The six strategic directions are:

• Plan for and manage growth
• Embrace our cultural diversity
• Grow the visitor economy and our regional service hub
• Preserve our natural environment and enhance our built assets
• Invest in key infrastructure and assets
• Activate our recreation, events, arts and culture opportunities

Council now invites you to complete a survey to provide feedback on the draft plan.

The survey will close at 4pm on May 11. You can complete the survey online at council’s website or you can pick up a hardcopy survey from the Naracoorte and Lucindale Council offices and Naracoorte Library.

You can access the Draft Strategic Plan on council’s project consultation page by heading to the website.

The Draft Strategic Plan is currently presented in ‘content only’ format and it will be graphically designed in its final stages.

The project page also features the summary report ‘What We Heard’ on the outcomes from the first phase of community consultation on the Draft Strategic Plan.

Following the close of the survey, council will then take on board further feedback and make any necessary final adjustments with the Strategic Plan to be presented to council in June this year for adoption.