Higgins takes out Lucindale stableford
Last week Lucindale ladies played a stableford competition kindly sponsored by Amali Gifts so thank you to Emma Male and her Amalteam for the beautifully wrapped goodies and incredible prizes. The members appreciate their continuous support to the club and the prizes are always a great drawcard.
It was pleasing to have 18 playing and a stableford was a great relief after seemingly weeks of stroke rounds. It was also 3rd Round of President’s Trophy and President Julie Wilks was welcomed back and members were all thrilled seeing Eliza Handbury and Pearl Seears playing again.
Congratulations to A Grade Winner, consistent Karena Higgins who scored 35 stableford points and runner up was Vickie Snodgrass with merely one less point. B Grade Winner with 34 points was Judy James and runner up was Rosie Legoe with 33. NTP winners were Julie Wilks on the 3rd & 12th, Jacki Baker was A Grade NTP on the 16th and Fionna McInnes was B Grade NTP in 2 shots.
Thank you to the ladies who represented Lucindale at the Kingston Open Day last week and well done Fionna McInnes for winning C Grade Longest Drive. A friendly reminder of the Garry Carracher Memorial Day to be held on Saturday, August 19, a really fun day for golfers of all ages and levels and dinner will be available that night. This week is another stableford round generously sponsored by Mountadam Wines.
STABLEFORD WINNERS: Karena Higgins, Judy James & Rosie Legoe