Jett drives mountain bike project

Jett Lewis, Mayor Kylie Boston and Brevet Sergeant John Carroll admiring the newly constructed dirt mountain bike track at Port MacDonnell.
Port MacDonnell’s new dirt mountain bike track is officially open following a collaborative effort between the District Council of Grant and local youth.
In February last year, 15-year-old Port MacDonnell resident Jett Lewis approached council, with the support of Brevet Sergeant John Carroll, propositioning an upgrade of the unused existing track.
Following extensive consultation between Jett and council staff, an alternate site was instead identified as appropriate for construction of a brand new dirt mountain bike track.
Council supported the project by committing $15,000 to carry out works in the 2023/2024 financial year.
Mayor Kylie Boston said she was happy council could assist in transforming a young person’s idea into reality.
“The bike track is a really great outcome providing local and visiting children with an additional outdoor activity to keep them active and having fun,” Mayor Boston said.
“We are proud to be working alongside the youth in our district to help create vibrant and connected communities. I strongly encourage our young people to continue being creative to help generate positive change in our community as it all starts at the local level.”
The 3 metre wide dirt mountain bike track is a free to use, public recreational facility which has been specifically built to accommodate a range of riding skill levels. Jumps and turns have been strategically located throughout the 225-metre course of all shapes and sizes.
District Council of Grant Chief Executive Officer Darryl Whicker said it has been pleasing to see many young riders utilising the new track already.
“We are thrilled to continue to provide quality recreation facilities for the local community and visitors as identified in the Port MacDonnell Urban Design Framework and Master Plan,” Mr Whicker said.
“It is excellent to have completed this collaborative project ahead of Youth Week 2024, commencing Friday 15 March 2024, where we will continue to celebrate the terrific ideas and contributions of our young people.
“Council’s works team will continue to monitor the track over the coming months to assess wear and tear caused by use and the imminent wet weather.”
The District Council of Grant will also partner with the Limestone Coast Local Government Association and local youth to identify future improvement opportunities.
Currently, future plans for shade structures and seating are being considered however are dependent upon securing additional funding.
Appropriate signage will be erected on site in the coming weeks.
Brevet Sergeant John Carroll said he was extremely proud of the initiative shown by Jett to get the proposal off the ground.
“I’m proud of the way he stood before all the Council members and told his story and explained his proposition, and I’m really pleased that the Council followed up with it and got it done,” Brevet Sergeant John Carroll said.
The dirt mountain bike track is open for public use with access located between 10 and 12 Elizabeth Street, Port MacDonnell.