Leading by example

June 7, 2023 BY

School principal steps outside comfort zone

Liza Couzens certainly didn’t commit straight away but after being nominated by a colleague and contacted by the Stand Like Stone Foundation she eventually decided to step out of her comfort zone to be part of the 2023 Swinging with the Stars.

Partnered with Lewis Riley, Liza has no dance experience, which is why her decision took a little time. “I have two left feet,” Liza said. “But I do feel privileged to be able to support the Stand Like Stone Foundation through this fundraiser, I’ve just got no rhythm.”

Liza’s fundraising is set to be funnelled into the Barrie Holmes Memorial Scholarship.

She is the St Anthony’s Catholic Primary School principal and has seen firsthand the value of the work the foundation does in the wider Limestone Coast community.

“It’s such a good cause,” she said. “The support they provide the community is really beneficial.”

Liza was actually working at Tenison Woods College when the Stand Like Stone Foundation was established and was involved in a research project that was looking at how the foundation was going to work.

She had no such association with dancing though and has been pleasantly surprised by just how much she has enjoyed the experience thus far.

“I actually love it – it’s a lot of fun,” Liza said.

The tango has emerged as her favourite dance so far and as is so often the case with the ‘stars’ the hip hop is proving the most challenging of the genres she is looking to master by the time the June 17 gala performances rolls around.

“There are just so many moves to remember and Lewis and I will be rehearsing as much as we can now that it’s getting really close to the night,” she said.

Liza is also set to be busy in the lead up to the June 18 event as she has two of her fundraising events this weekend, as well as finalising her major raffle.

June 10 looks set to be all about fundraising for Liza – with no time for dancing – as she runs a day time and evening event to boost her fundraising coffers.

The day will start at 9.30am at Blue Lake Cross Fit where you just need to bring a gold coin and join Liza for a WOD (workout of the day) followed by a BBQ to help fundraise for her Swinging with the Stars debut.

That night it is all about dancing and singing with a Karaoke and Dance Party at Metro Bakery and Café from 6.30pm. Tickets are $45 and available from Metro or by logging onto https://events. humanitix.com/karaoke-and-dance-part with $5 wines between 6.30pm and 8.30pm. Tickets include entry and canapes and a gold coin donation is required for each karaoke song. Bring your dancing shoes and best singing voice.