Lest we Forget

May 3, 2023 BY

ANZAC Day commemorations around the Limestone Coast & South West Victoria


The Limestone Coast commemorated ANZAC Day with Dawn Services; marches; events at War Memorials. From civic leaders to veterans, from school students to families of the fallen, the community took time out of their day to reflect on the role our armed services have played in our lives from major world conflicts to peace keeping tours. The Last Post rang out; the Ode of Remembrance was recited and stories were shared.

1. District Council of Grant Cr Brad Mann; Member for Mount Gambier Troy Bell; Clare Scriven MLC; City of Mount Gambier Mayor Lynette Martin OAM & Ben Hood MLC

2. Bridie & Layla McPherson laid a wreath on behlaf of Member for Barker Tony Pasin at Port MacDonnell’s ANZAC dawn service. The girls also paid tribute to their late grandfather, Wayne Manser, who was a Vietnam Veteran and passed away in November.

3. Member for Barker Tony Pasin dropping off his tradition ANZAC bottle of bundy to Mount Gambier RSL president Bob Sandow

4. Member for Mackillop Nick McBride attended the annual Kalangadoo Remembers pre-Anzac Day ceremony. The solemn event – which honours the war service of personnel from Kalangadoo and the surrounding district – began more than a decade ago.

5. St Martins Luthern College school captain Ainsley Gillings was extremely honoured to recite the ‘Requiem’ and ‘Ode’ as part of the Mount Gambier dawn service


They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old; Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them.


On this day, above all days, we remember those Australian men and women who died or suffered in the great tragedy of war.

On the morning of April 25th, 1915, Australian and New Zealand troops landed under fire at Gallipoli, and it was then and in the violent campaign which followed, that the ANZAC tradition was forged.

The elements of that tradition have inspired and offered an enduring example to later generations of Australians.

Each year we pay homage not only to those original ANZACs, but to all who died or were disabled in their service to this country.

They enrich our nation’s history. Their hope was for the freedom of mankind and we remember with pride their courage, their compassion and their comradeship.

They served on land and sea and in the air, in many places throughout the world.

Not only do we honour the memory of those Australians who have fallen in battle; we share the sorrow of those who have mourned them and of all who have been the victims of armed conflict.

On this day we remember with sympathy those Australians who have suffered as prisoners of war, and those who, because of war, have had their lives shortened or handicapped.

We recall staunch friends and allies, and especially those of the first ANZAC Day. May we and our successors prove worthy of their sacrifice.

6. Mount Gambier’s wreath laying ceremony

7. Year 12 St Martins student Mitchell Kimber had the great honour of delivering the ‘Ode’ at the mid-morning service.

8. St Martins Band Assistant and Worship Band Leader Trish Bruggemann playing the Last Post

9. St Martins Lutheran College junior school captains Austin Douglas & Meeka Aikenhead

10. St Martins senior school captain Alex Laube laying a wreath

11. Dawn Service at Naracoorte Town Square

12. Portland’s traditional ANZAC Floral Display

13. District Council of Grant Mayor Kylie Boston; Cr Rodney Virgo & Deputy Mayor Cr Megan Dukalskis

14. Naracoorte Lucindlae Deputy Mayor Monique Crossling

15. McDonald Park School has a strong history with attending ANZAC events with staff & students

16. School captains Aden Clarke and Gael Chizungu represented Tenison Woods College at the ANZAC Day Dawn Service with principal David Mezinec 17. Naracoorte ANZAC march