Market set to benefit local charity

July 27, 2024 BY

It will be the third market run under the umbrella of the Limestone Coast Market Network and the first with a strong family focus, as well as raising funds for local charity Four Reasons Why.

President Sue McDonald said the August 11 event had been weather-proofed by hosting it at Mount Gambier’s Wulanda Recreation and Convention Centre, after their March market had to be cancelled due to extreme heat.

“We are still learning which is good,” Sue said. “All market vendors will be inside on court 1 and 2 and we have approximately 60 stallholders attending. We have a great range of items and being all under cover you can enjoy the day with worrying about the wind and rain. These two things as such a nemesis for vendors.”

There will also be food vans at the front of Wulanda for a bite to eat.

Children are invited to enter the colouring competition, as well as a scavenger hunt. The colouring pages can be downloaded from the Limestone Coast Market Network facebook page ( or you can collect a copy from Devine Gifts on Commercials Street and then bring them along on the day for great prizes.

The August 11 market also marks the first time the network has looked to support a local charity and it is hoped this will be an ongoing aspect of the network’s market events.

“The Limestone coast is very lucky to have many organisations that help and support this great area,” Sue said. “We have decided to help Four Reasons Why this time as their contribution to those in need during this winter fills quite a need. We also look forward to help others in upcoming markets and have had a few reaching out to us asking to do so. It’s a great feeling to give back.”

The Limestone Coast Market Network has been in operation for a couple of years in a bid to support vendors and build a genuine community of stallholders.

“When I first started markets, I noticed that there where every limited interaction between stallholders and the vibe didn’t feel very welcoming,” Sue said. “I got to know a few other vendors and we were all trying to achieve the same goal and that is promote and sell items that we were proud to make.

“We also felt lost in marketing our items and the social media sides of things. It can be very overwhelming for some to put themselves out there.

“Many where intimated by others and needed support to attend markets. This also creates a great vibe for customers.

“A few of us meet and we discussed just having get togethers to chat about ways we can support each other.”

It didn’t take long for those informal chats to turn into plans to create a not-for-profit organisation that could hold our own markets in between other local markets to give vendors more opportunity to showcase their products.

“We take great pride in supporting all vendors at our events, from local produce to food vendors and products made with in our region,” Sue said.

“It is also great to support other organisations by holding raffles, with items donated by vendors, and all proceeds go to them. It’s also great to have them there to promote themselves at our events.”

The network members truly believe creating the connection between vendors has made a real difference – not just for the stallholders but for the customers who attend local markets.

“It’s a great feeling to now go to a market, whether it is one of ours, or another organisation holding the market within our region, and enjoy the company of many of the other vendors,” Sue said. “To help anyone that is in need whether it be putting up a gazebo or just borrowing a pair of scissors.”

It is safe to say from those initial informal meetings that the membership base has grown and inadvertently, a genuine need has been met within the market community with the network now meeting once a month with more markets already in the works in the coming months.

“We are also working with our members for some exclusive events and markets, especially leading up to Christmas,” Sue said. “We have members from all over the Limestone Coast and even across the border into Western Victoria.”

The Limestone Coast Market Network has been supported by Bendigo Bank and Willow Insurance during the past 12 months and is sponsored by JO Berkefeld and Grantville Court Butchers.

As for the August 11 event, there are still a few sites left and if anyone is interested in being a vendor they can email [email protected] and an application will be forwarded.

If vendors would like to become a member and would like more information on this and the benefits, they can also email [email protected]

The August 11 market runs from 10am to 2pm and is being held at the Wulanda Recreation and Convention Centre.