Next step taken in mental health service

February 15, 2023 BY

FocusOne Health awarded tender to deliver new Head to Health

The next step in providing more mental health services in the region has been taken with regionally focussed health provider FocusOne Health announced as the service provider for the Head to Health facility secured for this region courtesy of $3.4 million injection from the former Coalition Federal Government to establish and operate the centre.

FocusOne Health CEO Scerina Rasheed was in Mount Gambier last week, hitting the ground running and searching for a suitable premises to deliver the head to Health vision for this region.

“The Head to Health opportunity opened for tender and we felt it was a natural fit for the type of work we were doing,” Ms Rasheed said. “We were keen to be part of bringing something like Head to Health to the region, providing a service that is welcoming and accessible.”

FocusOne Health has been working in regional health, including the mental health space, for 28 years and been in operating in the Limestone Coast since 2015.

Getting the Head to Health facility up and running will be a key priority of FocusOne Health staff over the coming months and the community will be kept updated every step of the way as officials look to work towards setting up the model and staffing the service.

“It is designed to be an accessible entry point to get support,” Ms Rasheed said. “We want people to be able to walk in, say they’re not feeling so great and what are their options. “There will be support available on site as well as being able to direct people to the most appropriate support.

“We will be looking to see what the community needs and then set about delivering that within the parameters of the Head to Health – at the moment it is very much watch this space.”

Securing a Head to Health facility for Mount Gambier is the result of a passionate campaign from Member for Barker Tony Pasin and local health stakeholders. “The Coalition has a track record in delivering easy to access mental health support for Australians, establishing the headspace model in 2006 and then initiating the Head to Health rollout in 2021 with Mount Gambier being one of the initial locations for the adult mental health support services,” Mr Pasin (pictured above) said.

Much like the service headspace offers to young people of the Limestone Coast, the Head to Health site in Mount Gambier will offer a welcoming, ‘no wrong door’ entry point for adults to access mental health information, services and support.

“Upon being elected in 2013, I set about advocating within Government for a headspace in Mount Gambier which was delivered in 2016,” Mr Pasin said.

“My successful campaign for a Head to Health facility in 2021 means another important link in the network of services existing here in the Limestone Coast.” Country SA PHN Chief Executive Officer Mark Hartigan was pleased to see the Head to Health project in Mount Gambier continue to progress.

“It is exciting to see the progression of a highly visible site to support adults and their families in the South East,” Mr Hartigan said. “The Head to Health site will offer access to information and services designed to empower, support, and improve psychological and physical health, and social and emotional wellbeing.

“These services will be provided by an experienced team of trained mental health workers, supported by other specialised allied health professionals.

“Working to complement existing services, the Head to Health site will bridge a gap in mental health support for adults the Limestone Coast community.”

FocusOne Health, which was established in the Riverland, before branching out into other regional areas will also continue its current mental health programs, as well as their popular lifestyle programs , including the Health Habits Program, while a new service in the satellite towns in the Limestone Coast will be set up to help those dealing with chronic illness.