Olivia ticking an item off her bucket list

April 26, 2023 BY

Community cause sees 2023 Swinging with the Stars entrant ready to dance & fundraise up a storm

Olivia Magarey attended last year’s Swinging with the Stars event and she was hooked. She added the Stand Like Stone Foundation’s major annual fundraiser to her bucket list and just 12 months later she will be one of the eight stars in the spotlight on June 17.

“After watching last year’s amazing performance I was inspired,” Olivia said after a chat with Stand Like Stone Foundation board member Donna Jaeschke she was confirmed for the 2023 major fundraiser. “I have been very keen to do something more for the community and this is a fabulous opportunity to raise some money, have some fun and create a larger network than ever before.”

Only a few rehearsals in and Olivia (pictured with husband Hugh Magarey) is already one of the event’s most ardent ambassadors.

“A big shout to Hype Dance and the Stand Like Stone Foundation – what a platform they have given us to grow as community movers and shakers, quite literally, have a whole lot of fun, and show the town what a little hard work and dedication can produce,” she said.

As with most of the participants, they enter the dancing competition with minimal knowledge of the Stand Like Stone Foundation and its worse.

“I knew a little but not a great deal and I have now discovered how much they actually do for the community.,” Olivia said. “I would advise everyone to get on their website and check it all out – fundraising and keeping it local brings an extra special sense of pride and without foundations like this our regional town would be at such a large loss.”

And that sees Olivia allocating her funds to the general fund – leaving its fate in the capable hands of Stand Like Stone officials.

While many of her Swinging with the Stars colleagues are entering the 2023 event with minimal if not, zero, dance experience, Olivia can stake claim to having some dancing in her background, in fact Hype Dance Studio, the event’s rehearsal and choreography partner, is where Olivia’s dancing prowess was developed.

She started at Hype as a teenager, when Kim Cella first opened the doors of the studio, and spent six years plying her trade but it has been a while now.

“My skills haven’t quite stuck around and I’m embarrassed to say I don’t think I am as ‘dance fit’ as I told everyone I would be prior to starting practice,” Olivia said. “But I am absolutely loving rehearsals and don’t quite know what I’ll do when we finish.

“… keeping it local brings an extra special sense of pride and without foundations like this our regional town would be at such a large loss…” Olivia Magarey

“… I don’t think I am as ‘dance fit’ as I told everyone I would be prior to starting practice…” Olivia Magarey

“I am getting better every week – I think – and having the time of my life back on the dance floor. The quality just might not be as high as originally anticipated.” She was quick to point out her skill level was no reflection on Kim, Jazzy and Sara and the amazing Hype team.

Of course much of Olivia’s success or otherwise, will rest with her dancing partner Toby Riley, another Hype dancer and following in them footsteps of his mother Kath.

“Toby is one of the most kind, genuine people I think I have ever met, he’s only 19 and already holds a great deal of talent and networking skills on and off the dance floor,” she said.

“It’s already been such good fun working with Toby, and the other stars and the celebrities this year are second to none and regardless of winners; I think we are all super thankful for being able to have the opportunity to work with such a beautiful and fun team. I already can’t imagine my life without weekly rehearsal catch ups.”

Olivia is apprehensive about the swing, the first routine the class of 2023 has learnt, but hopes practice will make, if not, perfect, at least better.

“I’m having an absolute ball – I am absolutely pumped for the big dance at The Barn,” she said. “I am most excited for the hip hop number – I feel like this will be a response for most of the stars and dancers! For all of the dance numbers we have characters we have chosen, it partly makes me want to get in the crowd and watch the dances unfold, it’s going to be quite a dinner and a show.”

Olivia has already held a major fundraiser as part of her campaign – a quiz night that attracted 110 people and raised around $6000.

“I got to live out my dream of being a quizmaster and also an auctioneer for the night too – bucket list items getting ticked off left, right and centre,” she said. “I think those who came got to see me in my absolute element; entertaining a crowd and being amongst my nearest and dearest – what a time to be alive.”

The night was made possible with the support of a plethora of local businesses and individuals including Olivia’s father-in-law John Magarey, who donated the amazing handmade driftwood fish, Spot On Fishing Tackle Mt Gambier, Patrick of Coonawarra, Whitehaul Transport, BFT Mount Gambier, The Bay Pizzaria & Cafe, Danni Does, Kirsty & Jeremy Ivens, Trident 4×4 Centre, She’s Apples, Periwinkles Cafe Port MacDonnell and The Customs House, Eddies Furniture, Gym Challenge Meals Mount Gambier, Green Door Decor, Kellie Nobes Styling, GT Industrial Sales the very talented Katelyn Laube and The UFS Chemist .

“… I’m having an absolute ball – I am absolutely pumped for the big dance at The Barn…” Olivia Magarey

“We are so lucky to have such amazing locals supporting locals down here,” Olivia said. “It’s mind blowing what such a beautiful community can do when we come together.”

Olivia has a few more fundraising events planned so stay tuned to her socials for details and you can also donate to her campaign via the Stand Like Stone website and following the links, as well as donations tins at Badenochs and Bay Blue Espresso Bar.