Op shop project starts off with a bang

December 6, 2023 BY

Naracoorte art lovers snapped up lots of bargains at the recent opening party of the Art Op Shop.

Naracoorte art lovers snapped up lots of bargains at the recent opening party of the Art Op Shop.

The Naracoorte Lucindale deputy mayor, Cr Monique Crossling, signaled the start of sales by ringing a large brass bell, while all board members of the Naracoorte Regional Art Gallery were wearing antlers to suit the Christmas theme.

Buyers had to locate a member, to make their purchase and there were 60 art buyers keen to get in the action.

About 230 items had been brought into the gallery to be included in the Op Shop, including paintings in various mediums, pottery, mosaics, felting and cards. Some items were by renown artists and there were collectible prints from which to select.

The Naracoorte Highland Pipe Band’s Pipe major Ed Coventry (pictured right) set the scene with a selection of Scottish melodies on the bagpipes, from the stair landing in the old two storey home which houses the gallery.

The Gallery is running the Op Shop during normal opening hours until December 17.

Sellers can replace items as they are sold so there will be a continuing change of art for sale.

Talented local artist and board member Anne Emerson has donated a wren study picture for a raffle prize during the Op Shop, to be drawn on the closing day.

Ten local arts supporters have given the gallery paintings and items to sell and donated the entire proceeds, while other items are being sold on commission.

Gallery hours are Wednesday to Friday 10am to 4pm and Saturday and Sunday 10am to 3pm.
