Popular community member honoured

September 13, 2024 BY

Millicent Lions Club President Brenton ‘Yogi’ McMillan recently presented the club’s 2024 Volunteer of the Year Award to Sukhi Dhaliwal. The Award goes to a local citizen in special recognition of an outstanding community contribution.

It is characterised by voluntary work that has led to selfless service to others, and provides an opportunity to make public, the work of a volunteer that might otherwise go unrecognised or be an inspiration to others.

Sukhi has been member of the local community since he arrived in 2014 and set up the New Heaven Indian restaurant in Millicent.

He brought with him, a certain philosophy that has empathy for those in our community who are less fortunate and who are in need.

This first manifested itself in him setting up a Fridge at the IGA store for people to help themselves to meals that he prepared at his Restaurant. Sukhi said that he is motivated to do something, when he sees someone who is clearly hungry, rummaging through a skip.

The use of this meal service filled a niche in our community and has not looked back. In fact his initiative became the catalyst for the “Millicent shares a plate” project that has now been running for several years. Rosters of several volunteer groups prepare free meals from donated goods every week.

These meals support people who find themselves in difficulty and on low incomes. This effort has expanded into collaboration with organisations like Unity Housing, ac.care and the Millicent High School where Sukhi has shared his cooking expertise for occasions such as special Neighbour Day. Sukhi’s contribution to the community doesn’t stop there.

Sport plays a part in his life as he loves his cricket and is a local soccer coach. He is also a volunteer member of the CFS and is a member of the Millicent Rotary Club.