Self replacing ewes

October 19, 2022 BY

Compton House Corriedales on offer at sale

The Corriedale was breed 150 years ago as a DUAL-PURPOSE maternal breed, a self-replacing 1st cross ewe, and at Gambier View we have kept breeding our sheep as Dual-Purpose. The emphasis on a self-replacing flock is so important in this day and age with the price of replacement ewes, as well as reducing the chances of introducing health issues (i.e., Foot and mouth).

The resistance to worm burdens is due to the strong constitution of a Corriedale [less maintenance]. Gambier View Corriedales breed true to their type. This means their offspring are more consistent in quality than sheep bred from sires with many different breeds in their genetics.

The Corriedale has come out at the top with the MLA eating quality trials.

Lambing percentages and quick growth rates are a main focus at Gambier View Corriedales. Gambier View have high lambing percentages; however, it is in the commercial flocks that are sired by Gambier View rams where it counts. High lambing Percentages are not just reliant on high conception rates, which the Corriedale achieves.

Survivability, is key as well, achieved by the Corriedales amazing mothering ability, great temperament, and the Corriedale lambs’ instinct to want to live.

Gambier View can provide plenty of Testimonial’s to support high lambing percentages and quick growth rates, when Gambier View rams are mated with, Merino, Coopworth, Composite, 1st Cross, Dohne or Samm ewes.

The structure and the constitution of the Gambier View sheep, is also a main priority. One being big black feet which enables tolerance to wet conditions.

They have plenty of meat[muscle], which is also a reason the Gambier View Corriedales have longevity and the ability to produce lambs till they are 7 or 8 years of age.

They grow quickly and the ewe portion are able to produce lambs as a 1-year-old, the whether portion can be sold very profitably Compton House Corriedales on offer at sale Self replacing ewes RURAL RUNDOWN as a terminal lamb.

Gambier View’s average micron is around 27.5 with wool cuts around 7 Kg. The stronger end of the wool market isn’t as profitable as it was 2 to 3 years ago, however Corriedale breeders are still making money from their wool cuts.

Gambier View have been collecting data on their sheep, for many years. We use stock scan, to measure the whole muscle area, width and depth, as well as fat. Gambier View have been tagging at birth to record pedigrees and birth weights, which means we can record multiple births and growth rates, as well as recording fleece weights and microns. All this information is made available.

For any testimonials, please contact Milton Savage on 0418 534 037