Taking care of biodiversity
Native vegetation in the spotlight for Limestone Coast landholders
Limestone Coast landholders with a native vegetation Heritage Agreement can now apply for funding to undertake works on their property which improve biodiversity outcomes for heritage agreement areas. There are over 300 Heritage Agreements in the Limestone Coast.
The State Government is providing $6 million to expand and enhance the Native Vegetation Heritage Agreement (NVHA) program state-wide.
To facilitate the NVHA program in the Limestone Coast, Tania Rajic, working from the Limestone Coast Landscape Board, is the newly appointed NVHA outreach officer.
Tania Rajic said that Heritage Agreements provide permanent protection of native plants and animals on private land. “Many unique areas of biodiversity can be found within privately owned land and can often form part of an important wildlife corridor, provide an extension to national or conservation parks, or help to establish private sanctuaries,” Ms Rajic said.
Grants ranging from micro grants up to $1000, medium grants up to $15,000 and large grants up to $100,000 are now available with opportunity for multi-property and multiple year projects.
“The NVHA program provides more than just grants. It will provide greater support to NVHA owners through on-site land management advice, assistance with grants, training and networking”, Ms Rajic said.
Landholders wanting to put new areas of remnant native vegetation under heritage agreement will also be able to apply to the NVC for financial assistance, which will be an additional contribution to the program from the Native Vegetation Fund.
Interested landholders are advised to submit a simple Expression of Interest with the Native Vegetation Council. The outreach officer will be in touch to arrange a site visit and discuss individual property management issues preliminary to submitting a grant application. These can include weed and pest animal control, fencing and revegetation of degraded areas.
The program runs for three years and landholders are urged to register an Expression of Interest: Department for Environment and Water; Heritage Agreements. https://environmentsa.smartygrants.com.au/