The best in the business

November 16, 2022 BY

Glenelg Libraries tops visitation in benchmark survey


The Glenelg Libraries has claimed the title of being the top ranked Victorian library based on visits per capita and low-cost services per capita in the latest official statewide benchmarking results released this month.

The official 2021-22 Library Benchmarking Survey conducted by Public Libraries Victoria has shown that the local Glenelg Libraries service is achieving some of the highest results in the State.

The survey showed that the Glenelg Libraries was the top ranked Victorian library service based on visits per capita and for providing library services for the lowest cost per visit in the State.The library was also within the top 10 for loans of physical items per capita.

Library and information services manager Tanya Flockhart said the results were a testament to the ongoing community support of libraries across the Shire.

“These survey results highlight how important, well-respected and utilised our local library services are to our communities across the Shire,” she said.

“We are so proud to announce our branches are now ranked as the highest in the State for visits and for providing services at the lowest cost per capita.

“Our library staff have been working incredibly hard over the last few years to deliver events, services and programs across our branches based on the changing needs of the community.

“This has included many new partnerships with local organisations and community groups, branch refurbishments and digital updates including a new website and a new app.

“It has also pleasing to note an upward trend of program/event participants, despite the ongoing impacts of COVID-19.

“Three years ago the Glenelg Libraries were ranked as number 45 in the State for event participation, and in these latest results we have moved all the way up to number 17.

“We thank our library members for their ongoing support and love of our Library branches, and we hope to continue the important work we do in promoting and fostering lifelong learning and community connection.”

The Library Benchmarking Survey is an annual survey conducted by Public Libraries Victoria. The survey collects statistics from 49 library services across Victoria and aims to help benchmark, innovate, advocate and deliver the best possible library services.


SIMPLY THE BEST: Library and information services manager Tanya Flockhart and library officer Kirsten Jones welcome the latest benchmarking results, which shows Glenelg Libraries is one of Victoria’s top perfomers.