The faces of the future giving a new perspective

June 7, 2023 BY

These are the faces of the future of Wattle Range – they are the newly installed Wattle Range Youth Advisory Council. This bunch of dynamic young individuals from across the district have been selected to become the youth voice to council, advocating for the needs of their peers and highlighting opportunities for engaging youth in the region. The group have already met on a couple of occasions and are busily planning their first youth event for later in the year. Both the Mayor and Deputy Mayor have had the opportunity to sit down with them to discuss youth projects and are looking forward to many more positive conversations. The Wattle Range Youth Advisory Council is generously supported by the Commissioner for Children and Young People.

WATTLE RANGE YOUNG LEADERS: (Back row) Rochelle, Katie, Aya, Taine, Brogan, Rose and (front row) Starla, Alexis & Caelan. Absent: Chad & Sophie