Third term for community leader

Councillor Stephens was installed in the top job at last week’s meeting adding to her one year stints in 2004-05 and 2012-13.
Glenelg Shire has a new mayor but not a new face with long serving councillor Karen Stephens elected unopposed for what is a third term.
Councillor Stephens was installed in the top job at last week’s meeting adding to her one year stints in 2004-05 and 2012-13.
The Casterton-based councillor was first elected to council in 2002 and succeeds Cr Scott Martin who was mayor for 2022-23.
Cr Stephens thanked her fellow councillors for the opportunity to again serve as Mayor.
“We have many challenges and opportunity ahead of us to address and develop this year but council will deliver the Council Plan providing economic prosperity and sustainable financial management and make a Glenelg Shire that people are proud of,” Cr Stephens said.
“Each day council delivers over 120 services to the community with our dedicated staff undertaking the role of providing high quality services throughout the whole of the shire community.
“The pledge to the people of Glenelg is that I will lead a council that listens to the community, communicates with the community, and delivers to the needs of the community in a manner that is respectful and with integrity.”
Councillors voted not to elect a Deputy Mayor, with meeting dates and times also confirmed at last week’s meeting with one major change, monthly council meetings will now start at 5.30pm, as opposed to the previous start time of 7pm.
Councillors also voted to continue taking two meetings a year out of Portland – these will be held in Merino in March next year and Casterton in September.