Cavaliers celebrate where it all began

January 11, 2023 BY

Hockey club celebrates three decades of life in the Lower South East Hockey Association

Cavaliers Hockey Club Inc recently hosted its 30th anniversary celebration at the Mount Gambier Golf Club, combining the event with the end of year presentation for season 2022.

Members of the inaugural team from 1992 (pictured) enjoyed a pub lunch before attending the evening and reflecting on how far the club has come over the past 30 years.

For the players of 2022, the night was about recognising the effort and hard work put into the most recent season and celebrating the success of the Division 3 Women’s team winning the 2022 Premiership Cup.

Club secretary Debbie Waye was recognised for her considerable contribution to Cavaliers Hockey Club Inc, receiving life membership for her dedication and commitment shown through the countless hours of canteen duty, bar opening and closing, umpiring and secretarial duties she has performed for the club.

For the 30th celebration, the festivities included introduction of the attending members of the inaugural team from 1992, with their favourite memories shared with the crowd.

A fashion parade of the various playing tops and team shirts from over the years followed, before the life members were introduced. T he inaugural team cut the anniversary cake to cap off a night of celebration, with previous photographs, team lists and memorabilia on display for all to enjoy. Local band Backroom Panic assisted with entertainment to help celebrate the occasion.