Dementia in the spotlight

Next month there is an opportunity to the community to attend a FREE dementia awareness session that will provide an introduction to dementia and changes to the brain, effects on behaviour and the impacts of changed behaviour. It will introduce problem solving models, including strategies to minimise and respond to changed behaviour.
You will gain knowledge in:
•Changed behaviours related to dementia
• Recognising triggers and contributing factors to behaviour change approaches to problem solving changed behaviours.
• Suitable for: Family carers and family members of people living with dementia.
• This session is not suitable for professionals employed in the health or aged care sectors.
Dementia Australia’s facilitators have specialist dementia knowledge, skills and experience. This session is delivered interactively, you will be encouraged to share your experiences alongside other participants giving you an opportunity to develop new support networks.
June 8
10.30am to 12.30pm
Portland Library
32 Bentinck Street, Portland 3305