Gibbs pair get the job done

December 7, 2022 BY

Millicent Bowls Club Mixed pairs Championship decided after COVID delay


The final of the Millicent Bowl’s Club Mixed Pairs was played on Thursday, December 1. This competition began back in September but due to COVID the grand final finally was played between Rod and Carol Gibbs and Joy Warren and Aaron Emonson, with the final being played over 15 ends.

By the eighth end Carol and Rod, were well in front with the score 18 to 5 and by the 14th end the Gibbs combination was 23 shots to 9, with the 15th end not being played thus giving Rod and Carol the title of Mixed Pairs Champions for 2022-23 Season.

MIXED PAIRS CHAMPIONS: (Left)Carol & Rod Gibbs

MIXED PAIRS RUNNERS UP: (Right)Joy Warren & Aaron Emonson