Ladies open season in style

March 18, 2025 BY
Ladies Golf Opening Day

Life member & sponsor Isobel Phillips with Summer Cup winner Jennifer Van Rijthoven

THE Mount Gambier Golf Club Ladies Opening Day was successfully held in perfect weather conditions with many new players and friends joining in.

Fourteen teams consisting of 56 players took part in a competition was a 4 Ball Ambrose event, kindly sponsored by club captain Lizzie Clements.

The winners on the day were Bev Pedlar, Kerry Pedlar, Jan Reid and Janina Morrison with the nett score of 57.5.

It was a memorable day for this group with inviting Jan Reid (nee Price) to join them.

Jan comes from the well known Price family of golfers and she had always been the only non-golfer in her family – this may change now.

Bev, Kerry and Janina have all had a very successful week playing in the Southern Ports Golf Week with Kerry winning the A Grade Champion.

Runners up were Libby Altschwager, Carol Smith, Maureen Howe and Lizzie Clements scoring nett 58.25. It was great to welcome Maureen Howe back to golf after a long absence.

Pro Shot on the 8th was taken out by Robe’s Ruth Main (golfer) and Sara McManus (social glfer).

The Long Drive on the 1st was won by Bronwyn Bond (golfer) and Sheree Alley (social golfer).

Bronwyn has not played golf for many years and had a massive drive on the first hole to easily win. Hopefully this will encourage her back to playing.

Another very important event was announced on the day which was the winner of the 2025 Summer Cup.

This was won Jennifer Van Rijthoven and presented by life member Isobel Phillips, who also sponsored the Summer Cup.


Very hot weather caused the field to be limited with 17 ladies playing early in the morning.

The winner was Jennifer Van Rijthoven with 38 points on a count back from Vicki Clark also with 38 points.

Leanne Hunt was third with 36 points on a countback from Helen McIntyre also with 36 points.

Pro Shot on the 8th was Leeanne Hunt and NTP on the 16th was Vicki Clark.