Lending a helping hand

December 21, 2022 BY

Federeal Government windfall for young athletes

A number of young local sporting champions in the Federal electoriate of Barker have received grants through the Federal Government’s Local Sporting Champions Program to assist them in pursuing their sporting dreams.

Federal Member for Barker Tony Pasin MP met some of the students earlier this month in Mount Gambier to present them with certificates and congratulate them on their achievements. Administered by the Australian Sports Commission, the Federal Government saw 23 students from the Limestone Coast region awarded with funding from the program this year to help these young talented sports people participate in state or national competitions.

Mr Pasin said the initiative awards successful individual applicants a minimum of $500 to assist with the cost of travel, accommodation, uniforms or equipment. “The Local Sporting Champions Program is available to young people, between the ages of 12 and 18 representing their State or Nation, travelling more than 250 kilometres return to compete,” Mr Pasin said. “The program is a rolling application process and I encourage all sporting groups and individuals that meet the eligibility criteria to apply.” For more information on the Local Sporting Champions program go to: http://www.ausport.gov.au/participating/local_sporting_champions

GRATEFUL RECIPIENTS: Indee Stratford, Jessica Oxlade, Vaughn Stratford, Hinako Holman, Charles Moore, Member for Barker Tony Pasin, Zeb Chant, Jessica Holman, Thomas Lambert, Emily Lambert & Corrie Taylor