Lucindale ladies hand out individual awards

(Back row)Cheryl Fitzgerald, Megan Watson, Kerry Gilkes, Jacki Baker,Karen Gould, Sharon Menz & Julie Wilks with (front row) Karena Higgins, Nicole Hocking & Rachel Smith.
Lucindale ladies enjoyed an orange course 9 hole competition with a mulligans last Wednesday.
This was sponsored by Rainbow Motors and it was lovely to have representative Wendy came to play and present her prizes.
Unfortunately Wendy’s back got in the way of her playing golf regularly this year and it is hoped the Lucindale Golf Club will see her around more next year.
A grade winner was Nicole Hocking with 22 Stableford points, closely followed by Megan Watson with 21.
B grade winner was Julie Wilks with 24, with Fionna McInnes runner up with 20.
NTP on the 12th was Nicole Hocking and Karena Higgins was on the 16th.
Wendy was kind enough to present prizes for the NTP and a ‘try hard’ which was won by Rachel Smith.
Sally Clarke and her wonderful helpers put on a lovely lunch, followed by our end of year prize presentations.
There was a great mix of trophy winners this year and a big thankyou to all the end of year trophy donors, the club appreciates your wonderful support.
GW Harrison club champion: Nicole Hocking
Allambie Park: Michelle Justin, Norah Limbert: Kerry Gilkes
State events – International Bowl – Silver: Karena Higgins, Bronze: Kerry Gilkes, Laurel Wreath: Jacki Baker
Shylie Rymill foursomes: Isobel Carracher & Sharon Menz, Bricey’s SE Collision: Nicole Hocking President Trophy: Michelle Justin Sally Macdonald Event: Megan Watson
Isobel Carracher Event: Petrina Smith
Captain Trophy: Sharon Menz Handicappers Trophy: Karen Gould
Patroness Trophy: Cheryl Fitzgerald Nancy James Veteran’s: Sharon Menz
Viv Hocking Putting:
A Grade: Megan Watson
B Grade: Kerry Gilkes
Monthly Medal: Megan Watson Golf Olympic:
0-28: Jacki Baker
29-54: Fionna McInnes
0-28 gross: Rachel Smith
Nett: Jacki Baker
29-54 gross: Petrina Smith
Nett: Julie Wilks
Gwenda Hassell:
Birdies 0-28: Rachel Smith
Pars 29-54: Angela Malpas, Patanga Ferrets:
0-28: Kerry Gilkes
29-54: Anglea Malpas
Foursomes Champions: Nicole Hocking & Karena Higgins
Foursomes Runners Up: Isobel Carracher & Sharon Menz.