Millicent heralds new season

September 13, 2024 BY
Millicent Bowls Season

Wayne Ross delivered the first bowl after Sarah Ross sent down the first jack of the season

The Millicent Bowls Club held their Season Opening on September, with club president Aaron Emonson and Wattle Range Mayor Des Noll officiating.

In Mayor Noll’s opening address he praised the club in the manner in which it is run, bringing people together to enjoy the sport and also running a great Night Bowls competition which gets many non-bowlers into the sport and also bringing bowlers from away into the town for tournaments the club runs through the year.

He then declared the 2024/25 season open before Emonson thanked invited Ladies Singles Champion Sarah Ross to roll the jack and for Men’s Singles Champion Wayne Ross to roll the first bowl for the season.

Once the official ceremony had been completed, members enjoyed one game of bowls played over 16 ends before going back into the clubrooms to enjoy a lovely afternoon tea.