Mixed pairs champions decided

December 21, 2022 BY

Robe Bowling Club held their club mixed pairs championship under a different format this year. Each pair playing three games of 12 ends of two and walk. Twelve pairs played, with four winning two games, but only one pair won all three games. Valma & Errol Jennings were fifth on 58 points, Robbie Dahler & Adrian Bermingham were fourth on 61 pts, Kerry Pedlar and Steve Farrell were third on 62.5 pts, Judy Phillips & David Robinson were runners-up on 63.5 pts and the winner of the RBC Mixed Pairs on 81.5 pts were Judy Bermingham & Stephen Kennett.

The Men’s Singles Championship will be played on January 7 & 8, Men’s Fours and Ladies Triples on January 22. During the summer holidays twilight bowls will be played Wednesday & Thursday evenings starting December 27 from 6pm, names to be put up in the foyer before 5pm. Social bowls will be played Thursday afternoons and any visiting bowlers are most welcome, names in foyer by 12.30pm. Merry Xmas & Happy New Year to all members, sponsors and readers from the Robe Bowling Club.

MIXED PAIRS CHAMPIONS: Stephen Kennett & Judy Bermingham