Night Owls returns to the greens

January 26, 2023 BY

Millicent Bowls Club sees social bowlers back in action for 2023


Bill Mullan (Grand Hotel) 4, Wilbur Lane (Somerset Legends) 4, Barbara Leicester (Acky’s Owls)
4, Hamish Reilly (The Pups) 3, Ian Grosser (Somery Seniors) 4, Shane Reilly (Here 4 Beer) 3.
Robin Thomas (Scrappers) 4, Graham Attiwell (Try Hards) 3, Ian Grosser (Somery Seniors) 4.
Winners this week:


Sparkies (John Madden, Scott Lonergan, Terry Lonergan, Bob Reilly) defeated Awesome
Foursome 19+11, other winners were Untouchables 17+7, Grand Hotel 17+6, Mossies 17+2, and
Rovers on a forfeit 16+0.


Somery Seniors (Ian Grosser, Rodney Horne, Robert Lesley, Craig Stewart) defeated Lion Rams
18+6, other winners Lions 17+4, The Pups 17+2, Try Hards 17+1Bits & Pieces 15+1.


Scrappers (Robin Thomas, Jayden Williams, Jeff Gardner, Phillip Keatley) defeated Lion Cubs
17+7, other winners were Here 4 Beer 16+10, Lions Roar 16+ 0 , X Factor 11, Beanz Team 10+0.

This Wednesday, on January 25, there will be no Night Owls Bowls as the club is being set up
for the Herb Henderson Memorial Day on January 26. PHOTOS SUPPLIED.

RED DIVISION WINNERS: Terry Lonergan, John Madden & Bob Reilly. Absent: Scott Lonergan

BLUE DIVISION WINNERS: Robert Lesley, Ian Grosser, Rodney Horne & Craig Stewart

WHITE DIVISION WINNERS: Jeff Gardner, Jayden Williams, Robin Thomas & Philip Keatley