Port MacDonnell Bowls Club opens its 2023/24 season
The Champion of Champion shields of Ladies Singles Heather Richards, Fours Tim Wrightson , Wayne Dowdell Keith Dowdell , Des Horrigan and Triples Adam Wilson, Chris Richards ,John Broadbent were presented to the club from last years and all three won the Lower South East Region 1 Champion of Champions and the Ladies won Divison 1 Pennant. Mayor Boston presented Lance Fishe (pictured below cente)with his 90th certificate and Nallia Lucas and Elaine Pruis (pictured below right) were presented with their 70 Veteran Badges.
After the opening 40 members played one game of 15 ends followed by afternoon tea. The winners were Terry Seiler, Nick Negline, Val Praetz, John Naismith on 31 points
OPENING DAY WINNERS: (Below left) John Naismith, Val Praetz, Terry Seiler & Nick Negline