Program gets kids out & about

Evie Richardson and Millie Marlow from Portland South Primary School at the Play Your Way event this week
CHILDREN in the Glenelg Shire have learned how to bat, bowl, handball, pass, kick and more as part of a unique ‘come and try’ sports day held at Alexandra Park.
Thanks to funding received from the Australian Sports Commission, the Glenelg Shire Council today hosted the ‘Play Your Way’ event, a come and try experience across five different sports for more than 350 local primary school students.
The event saw grade three and four students from across Portland, Narrawong, Bolwarra and Heywood try out soccer, hockey, netball, cricket and AFL football, all at the one central location.
Glenelg Shire Director of Community Jayne Miller said it was fantastic to see Alexandra Park abuzz with so much junior sport.
“Council was fortunate to have received a Play Well Participation Grant from the Australian Sports Commission earlier this year,” she explained.
“A portion of this grant was used to deliver today’s ‘Play Your Way’ event, affording primary school students from Portland, Narrawong, Bolwarra and Heywood the chance to try different organised sports in a safe, welcoming, fun and inclusive environment.
“The aim of Play Your Way’ is to increase participation and showcase local sporting opportunities.
“Many students who attended today will have experienced a sport they hadn’t prior and may now choose to participate in this sport at a more regular level.
“But most importantly, every child today was able to enjoy the benefits that organised sport has to offer. It truly was an incredible sight to see so many children participating in so many different sports all at once.
“We thank all of the local sporting groups, state sporting associations and various volunteers who were able to assist with coordinating each sport today and make ‘Play Your Way’ such a success.”
This project has been funded under the Australian Sports Commission Play Well Participation grant program, which is one of the first initiatives to be delivered from Play Well – Australia’s Sport Participation Strategy which aims to ensure everyone has a place in sport.