Roos rising stars pick up silverware

November 30, 2022 BY

West Gambier footballers celebrate the 2022 season in style


1. 2022 Football Life Membership Recipient: Brenton James (second from right) with Olivia James, Heidi James & Henry James.
2. Bill James Memorial Club Person of the Year Recipient: Brenton Sims (left) with Brenton James
3. 2022 Phil Muhovics Best Under 21 Award: Mitch Cornolo
4. Under 18 Runner Up Shar Nay Than
5. Under 18 Best & Fairest Gui Ros-Smith
6. Under 18 Best Utility – Tom Smith
7. Under 18 Most Improved Max Byfieldt
8. Under 18 Trophy Recipient Joe Judd
9. Under 18 Trophy Recipient Anton Circelli
10. Under 18 Most Consistent Nate Davey
11. Under 18 Coach’s Trophy

Bronson Boult